The American Iris Society Region 4


Events hosted virtually through Zoom unless location specified

 January 24, Sunday, 2–4 p.m. Planning Session: Region 4 Meeting, Social Media Update                  

February 28, Sunday, 2-4 p.m. Judges Training: Ethics — Region 4 AIS Judges Panel Discussion.  Moderator: Alleah Haley, ENCIS           

March 28, Sunday, 2–4 p.m. Program: Getting to Know your Soil    Presenter: Ashley Troth, Durham County Extension Agent

 April 18, Sunday, 2–4 p.m.  Location: 1423 Pleasant Ridge Road, Ramseur, NC  Garden Meeting: Broley Homestead (Heather and Chris’ Iris Farm)Demonstration: Floral Arrangement — Presenter: Don Myers, ENCIS":Please bring a pruner, flowers, and containers you would like to use


April 29–May 1     Location: Hilton Garden Inn Raleigh-Cary, NC  Region 4 Convention: Info online in Newscast

 TBD early April–mid May   Location: Charlottesville, VA   Field Trip: Monticello and Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants   Tour: Historic bearded iris collection at Jefferson’s Tufton Farm:  If interested, e-mail

June 27, Sunday, 2–4 p.m.  Program: Garden Tools and Iris Culture — Presenters: ENCIS Members  SHOW AND TELL: Please bring a garden tool(s) you love to use     

July  ENCIS members dig bearded iris donations for iris sale      

 ENCIS Bearded Iris Sale   Location: TBD:   Volunteers needed, email (Bonita Masteller)

August 22, Sunday, 2–4 p.m. Judges Training: TBD (Species, Siberian, Aril, or Louisiana requested)   Presenter: TBD

September   ENCIS members dig beardless iris donations for iris sale

ENCIS Beardless Iris Sale  Location: TBD:   Volunteers needed, email (Bonita Masteller)

October 24, Sunday, 2–4 p.m. Virtual Harvest Dinner with friends and family Bring suggestions for 2022 activities, and invite someone new to join us                

December 12, Sunday, 2–4 p.m.   Planning Session: Social media, website, and 2022 events